HaloCE3 Wikia

Eric Guavez or better well known also King Altheros is the patriarch of the good Halo Custom Edition tags and father of earth and the heavens, who had lived long before the founding of the terrible Halo 4/5 rips, during an era of endless wars between mankind. He consumed the fruit of the Zteam and became the first wielder of good tags on Earth, in addition to fusing with the Zteam tags and becoming the lover boy.

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He is also well known for making love with 19 men in a single hour; a feat that deserves much praise as he pushed through the intense pain to please his fans. This event is often referred to as The Great Anal Prolapse, and is oftentimes told to new forum goers as a lesson in limitations and dedication.

Bitter on how things turned in the Halo Custom Edition and annoyed how the dorks, white trash and brown trash are running the community, he left the community only to come back to bring back the old testament of Bungie and making Halo great again.

In the beginnings of January of 2018 he met his middle old crush and met her saw her again but not as strangers but now as lovers and he was save by from the depression he was slowly drowning in and now he lives peacefully with her beautiful girlfriend Diana Rose Llarina and will continue to live their lives together peacefully and fulfill their dreams to become rich and save all the stray dogs and breed all birds.
